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Maternal Education Classes

Preparation classes for childbirth

grupo de preparacion al parto

Razones para prepararme al parto y la maternidad

  • Para que puedas disfrutar del embarazo, el parto y la crianza con mayor seguridad, confianza y tranquilidad

  • Para que tengas toda la información actualizada y basada en la evidencia científica acerca de tu maternidad y puedas tomar las mejores decisiones para tí y tu bebé.

  • Para que recibas la atención y el apoyo que necesitas. en cada parte del proceso.


Mami To Be te ofrece una experiencia única y especial, donde aprenderás cosas nuevas, compartiremos vivencias, hablaremos de tabús y  realizaremos actividades didácticas con material exclusivo para que  tus dudas y miedos se disipen. Además crearemos un grupo de whatsapp entre todas para compartir lo que vaya surgiendo durante el embarazo.

Ya hay más de 70 mamis satisfechas. ¡Mira lo que dicen!

Tienes muchas opciones de atender al curso ¡Tú eliges!

Videoconferencia en directo

En grupo

máximo 8 parejas



Las Palmas de GC

En grupo


En grupo


Próximo curso normal:
Miércoles 6 de Marzo 

Próximo curso intensivo:

Información sobre el curso

Formato: 6 sesiones - Una sesión de 1,5 horas por semana. Las sesiones se imparten de forma cíclica por lo que te puedes unir en cualquier momento del curso.

Opciones: Videoconferencia online en directo (desde donde estés) o presencial (centro Woman Wellnes, Las Palmas de GC)

Tipo: Grupo (máximo 8 mamás + pareja / acompañante) o privado (una pareja)

Horario: Consultar disponibilidad aquí.

Session 1

  • How your body changes in the last trimester.

  • Care and healthy habits to get to childbirth in an optimal way.

  • The pelvic floor. Exercises and how to prepare it.

Session 2

  • Physiology of normal childbirth.

  • Non-pharmacological pain relief techniques.

  • Breathing exercises.

Session 3

  • Dreviation from normality.

  • Epidural

  • Caesarean section

  • Instrumental births

Session 4

  • Going home wih your baby.

  • Baby care. 

  • What's normal and what is not?

  • SIDS prevention

Session 5

  • Keys to successful breastfeeding. 

  • Tips, tricks, and general advice.

  • Artificial feeding. What you need to know.

Session 6

  • The hormonal revolution.

  • Transition to  maternity.

  • Tips for a speedy postpartum recovery.

More information

This course offers the theoretical, physical and emotional preparation that every pregnant woman needs to achieve her dream delivery. Our goal is much more than the preparation for childbirth, also the experience of motherhood explained from a professional and close approach as well as personal and dynamic, adjusted to the needs of each future mother. We will form a group where we will share all the relevant information about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum so that you feel empowered for the big day and enjoy this wonderful stage without doubts or fears. In addition, we promote the participation of the partner as a fundamental part of the process.


  • 6 sessions (1.5 hours per session).  

  • 7 moms (+ companions) per group

  • Place: Woman Wellness Center  c / Jesús Ferrer Jimeno, 12, 35010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas

  • ScheduleThursday 7pm - first group  ( New schedules will be offered according to demand)

  • Price: 150 €

Frequent questions

Who is it for?

For pregnant women preferably from week 28, their partners and / or companions and single mothers.

How and when do I can I target?

You can sign up by contacting Woman Wellness by phone  648 73 67 85  or email

Why is it advisable to go to classes?

Because there is nothing more empowering than knowing how your body works during pregnancy, the biomechanics of childbirth and the changes that also occur during postpartum. We will also discuss the care of the pelvic floor, how to recognize contractions and use pain relief techniques, we will talk in detail about breastfeeding and even administrative procedures for when your baby is born.

Can I sign up once the course has started?

Yes of course! The course consists of 6 sessions of an hour and a half each that are taught cyclically, so if for example you sign up for session 3, you will do 4, 5 and 6 and then 1 and 2. 

In addition, our groups are small to ensure a quality, close treatment and an atmosphere of trust.

Can I bring companions ?

Of course, yes, the role of your companion during the preparation is essential. It can be your partner or the person you want.

What sanitary measures are carried out ?

We always comply with the health measures established by the Government for covid 19 at the current time.

  • Mandatory mask for all attendees.

  • Distance of at least 1.5 m between participants.

  • Disinfection of surfaces and material used in the classes.

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